Lora + Jason | wedding at Stevenson Ridge

/ Friday, October 12, 2012 /
 Last Saturday evening, my second shooter Sarah Mattozzi and I had the privilege of documenting Lora and Jason's gorgeous October wedding. We couldn't have asked for better weather for outdoor portraits - even though the sky did look a little apocalyptic for a little while, it managed to pass us. The venue itself was also gorgeous (kind of a fancy log cabin vibe) and all the wedding coordinators were so friendly. We had a blast. These are some of my favorite pictures from the event!

PS!!! If you haven't yet, like the new Facebook page!

Fever! behind the scenes

/ Tuesday, September 18, 2012 /
So I know I've been leaving the blog pretty barren lately which I apologize for! But I really wanted to share some more photos from my shoot with Fever starring Charley, Emile and some really really cute inner wear pieces! And a few cute behind the scenes pictures as well. We couldn't have asked for a better day to shoot these. Rachael, Rose and I didn't sweat to death running around arranging things and the models were comfortable, what more can you ask? Special thanks to my golf cart by the way. I love September!

To check out Fever's line for yourself, check out their Facebook page!

Sherry: bridal shower

/ Monday, June 11, 2012 /

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